Project Profile

Fallbrook Union Elementary School District
California Energy Conservation Program
Location: Fallbrook, CA
Market: Education K-8
Project Size:
Services: California Proposition 39 Energy Conservation Program
Status: Completed in 2018
The State of California provided approximately two million dollars of funding for Fallbrook Union Elementary School District (FUESD) for energy conservation measures (ECM’s). Alpers Engineering worked as part of a team of engineers and contractors to provide consulting services to develop ECMs and implement these measures to save energy. Alpers Engineering provided energy audits, retro-commissioning, monitor based commissioning, and energy calculations for the HVAC and control related measures. To date approved ECM’s total approximately $500 thousand. Of those ECM’s, Alpers is responsible for 100% of that total expenditure with a Savings to Investment ratio of better than 1.05.
Potter Junior High School, Live Oak Elementary School, and Maie Ellis Elementary School: The ECMs for these schools included demolition and replacement of 84 old packaged Heat Pumps and Rooftop Units with a new high efficiency HVAC units that are 40-50% more energy efficient. Additionally, the implementation of start/stop optimization using the existing controls system led to a reduction of over 200 hours of run time per year. The total calculated savings per year for the replacement of this equipment and controls optimization is approximately 188,000 kWh per year.
Live Oak Elementary School Condenser Water ECM: The design document showed that the condenser water should cool by 10-15°F, the loop actually cooled by about 2-4°F for much of the cooling season. As a result, the system was unable to adequately cool the condenser water temperature and was unable to control the building loop temperature once the cooling load gets above setpoint. This ECM replaced a heat exchanger within the condenser water loop, implemented variable speed fans based on load, and drastically reduced the cooling tower runtime to save approximately 35,000 kWh per year.